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Neural Reset Therapy®

The body contains specialized nerve bundles: the mechanoreceptors. These are the receptors that respond to pressure, speed, vibration, strain and other forces. When these receptors notice a change, a signal is sent to the spinal cord and then passed on to the brain.


With NRT® the therapist briefly stimulates the receptors in the area of ​​the selected muscle by making the horse move in a certain direction. The therapist can also tap a muscle in such a way that receptors send a special signal to the spinal cord. This signal resets the nervous system through the spine, optimizing the muscle neurologically. With the reset, the muscle soreness and stiffness disappear within seconds.


NRT® restores the muscles to a more optimal state. This result can last for a very long time. The result can be influenced by a negative lifestyle of the horse. Horses that experience a lot of pain often have a stressful lifestyle. The more balance in their lifestyle, the longer it takes for the muscles to need a new reset.


I know from my own experience that the effect of NRT® can last for a very long time. Due to a wrong landing after the jump, fall on the meadow or stress, my horse's muscles easily get stuck. Because I can easily and quickly release these, my performance is also better, because I can immediately intervene when I feel a tense muscle.

What is NRT® ?

The founder of (NRT R) Neural reset therapy R treatment method is Lawrence Woods.

Relieves tense and sore muscles in a quick and painless way. Muscle knots or trigger points can be treated excellently with NRT®.


This therapy does not use massaging, stretching or needles (dry needling).


During a treatment, certain positions are taken on the horse in order to tense muscles, so that muscles can be 'reset' to normal muscle tension (tonus).
The pain disappears with the reset.


The muscle relaxes and any trigger points disappear.

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